Speak your Speech from your PCs, Create a Visual Basic Scripts Code (.VBS) command in Notepad, Say welcome when you start your PCs

Dears, Welcome you all on JKS DIGI.

My dears, if you all think about that your PC like Laptop, Desktop etc. speak your own written matter when you open or start up your PCs. When you open or start your PCs then, your PCs speak your own written subject or matter or text which you want to speak from your PCs.

Customize you own matter, text or subjects etc.

Your PCs speak your pre-defined matter, text, subject like Hi! JKS DIGI welcome to your PC etc. You can customize your own matter, text, subject etc. any time from your PCs. You can type your own text form startup your screen of PCs.

Type VBS Codes, Commands or Scripts

To do this, just type the following Visual (.VBS) codes, commands or Scripts in Notepad. Scripts as follow: 

Define Keywords as 

Dim speaks, speech

Setup your messages as:

speaks="Welcome You Jitendra Kumar JKS DIGI"

Now Create your Voice or allow your PCs to speak your messages which given above.

set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")

Now if you want to setup your voice speed then do the setting as given below :

with speech

   Set.voice = .getvoices.item(0)

   .Volume = 100

   .Rate = -4

end with

If you want to increase or decrease PCs speech speed then give the value of your .Rate = (your values) to increase or decrease the rate of volume for your PCs to speak your messages. 

At the end of the codes, commands or scripts just type as :

speech.Speak speaks

Save Scripts :

Save your Codes, Commands or Scripts as Visual Basic (.vbs) file extension.

speech.Speak speaks



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